We are pleased to announce that beginning March 2, 2021. We will be offering a new class on Tuesday nights at 8:10pm – 9:00pm. WRESTLING FOR BJJ. This class will focus on conditioning, wrestling takedowns and takedown defenses to compliment your Jiu Jitsu standup game. This class will be taught by Coach Jacob Schorr. If you like to compete, and/or you want to improve your conditioning or your standup game for Jiu Jitsu, this is a great opportunity. Our normal blue belt and higher class that was on Tuesday, will move to Wednesday nights at 8:10pm. If you have any questions let me know. There is no additional cost for this class. You do not need your Gi for this class. Requirements for this class are you must be 13 years old or older and willing to work hard. Younger students may attend with permission of coach Schorr.